How it Works

OurMembership is designed to help NGOs, Alumni, Associations and groups of all sizes take their membership management online and to also offer membership development training online with digital certificates. It enables volunteer members to join departments/units and easily manage their activities, resources, communications and schedules within each department they belong to.

The application comes with 3 roles. They are:

  • Administrator - Creates the account by signing up at, and subscribes to plans.
  • Department Administrator (First Admin) - Creates other admin, creates group, creates courses, etc.
  • Department Member

Getting Started:

Step 1 - Sign-Up: Enter Name, Email, Password and Password Confirmation. (Click Signup)

Step 2 - Username: Enter username (this will be used as your group URL. It should be unique and cannot be changed. It is a minimum of three letters.), Click Next

Step 3 - Admin Account: Enter First Admin: Name, Email, Password and Password Confirmation (Click Next)

Step 4 - Site Details: Enter Site Details: Site Name (This is the registered name of the group or the public name. Site Email, Site Telephone. Click Finish.

Your new microsite is ready!

You can access it via the username you created in step 2. Your unique URL will be

To login as departmental or first admin - use your unique url and the credentials in step 3.

To login as administrator - use our main app url - and the credentials in Step 1

Administrators have access to a separate Admin section where they can control the entire application. Department Administrators and Department members on the other hand, have access to the same member area. However, Department Administrators will have access to more features in the member area than ordinary Department Members. This will be covered in detail later.
Also, Administrators have the ability to log into any department from the Administration section. Once they do, they will have Department Administrator privileges while logged into that department.

2025 © OurMembership